About Me

Served in the Navy for 14 years as a Hospital Corpsman with a specialty in pharmacy. I have been divorced 2 times, this is my lucky number 3 as far as marriage goes and it is my last! I have two kids that I am not able to see because of their mother. I am a conqueror of mental health issues because I have everything from A-Z when it comes to diagnosis. I am at a point in my life where my past is hindering my present and fortunately I am not that same person anymore. I have grown to accept reality and I am a firm believer of greatness and positivity. Work hard, play hard and appreciate the greatness! Attitude of gratitude!! Let’s get it ayyyye, much love always and great vibes to you all!

General Information
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Pacific Islander
Weight: 175 lbs
Height: 5'10
Body Type: Average
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Short
Eyes: Hazel
Tattoos: Yes, upper body, arms lower back
Willing to Do Nudity: No
Professional Information
Willing to work on non-union projects? Yes
Willing to work as an extra? Yes
Willing to color hair? Yes
Willing to shave? Yes
Legal twenty five? Yes
U.S. work permit? Yes
Shirt: L
Waist: 32”
Shoes: 11.5
Gloves: XL
Kids: N/A
Design By: Giraffe Builder