General Information
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Weight: 135 lbs
Body Type: Curvy
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Length: Long
Eyes: Hazel
Piercings: Bottom lip and earrings
Tattoos: Arm, wrist, ankles, back of shoulder and rib cage
Willing to Do Nudity: Partial
Professional Information
Willing to work on non-union projects? Yes
Willing to work as an extra? Yes
Willing to cut hair? Yes
Willing to color hair? Yes
Willing to shave? Yes
U.S. work permit? Yes
Bust: 34”
Cup: DDD
Dress: 6
Blouse: 4-6
Pants: 6-8
Shoes: 6
Gloves: S
Design By: Giraffe Builder