About Me

Outgoing and passionate with life and make the making the most out of it I would like to be part of something completely new I am a motivated and driven person willing to accomplish anything in life .

1-ON-1 Video
General Information
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Weight: 175 lbs
Height: 5'9
Body Type: Athletic
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Short
Eyes: Brown
Piercings: No
Tattoos: No
Willing to Do Nudity: Partial
Professional Information
Willing to work on non-union projects? Yes
Willing to work as an extra? Yes
Willing to cut hair? Yes
Willing to color hair? Yes
Willing to shave? Yes
Eighteen to play younger? Yes
U.S. work permit? Yes
Coat: 24”
Length: Regular
Neck: 9.5
Chest: 30-32”
Shirt: M
Sleeve: 29"
Waist: 32”
Inseam: 24”
Shoes: 9
Gloves: L
Kids: N/A
Design By: Giraffe Builder